LLAMA, which stands for League of Latin American Migrants Australia, is a not-for-profit organization and registered charity dedicated to empowering the Spanish-speaking Latino communities in Australia. Through the provision of free quality services, programs, and activities, LLAMA addresses the unique needs and challenges faced by these communities.

At LLAMA, we understand the importance of language proficiency in facilitating integration and success in a new country. That’s why we offer free online English classes to help individuals improve their language skills. Our classes are designed to cater to different proficiency levels, ensuring that participants receive the support they need to enhance their communication abilities.

In addition to language learning, LLAMA also offers a range of personal, professional, and wellbeing workshops. These workshops aim to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in various aspects of their lives. Whether it’s developing personal resilience, enhancing employability, or promoting mental health and wellbeing, LLAMA’s workshops provide valuable resources and support.

Integration into Australian culture is another key focus of LLAMA. We believe that embracing the local culture and understanding its nuances are essential for fostering a sense of belonging. Through our integration programs, participants have the opportunity to learn about Australian customs, traditions, and social norms. This knowledge not only facilitates smoother integration but also promotes cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

LLAMA recognizes that individuals may require additional support beyond language learning and cultural integration. To ensure comprehensive assistance, we provide referrals to various support services. These services may include legal aid, housing assistance, healthcare, and other essential resources. By connecting individuals to the appropriate support networks, LLAMA aims to address the wider needs of the Latino communities.

As an educational not-for-profit organization, LLAMA relies on the support of volunteers, donors, and community partners. Their contributions enable us to continue providing free services and programs to those who need them most. If you are passionate about making a difference in the lives of Spanish-speaking Latino communities in Australia, we invite you to join us in our mission.

LLAMA is committed to empowering individuals, promoting cultural diversity, and fostering social inclusion. Through our free English classes, personal and professional workshops, integration programs, and referral services, we strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment for the Latino communities in Australia. Together, we can make a positive impact and help individuals thrive in their new home.